Wednesday, January 6, 2016

My first post would be a restaurant review to a Burger shop that opened last year in Tokyo. It is originally a food stall in New York, and now in 9 countries around the world. I have visited the restaurant in New York and London, and I loved it. Although I feared that the taste would be modified a little as it enters Japan, my fears were proved meaningless. It was great. I strongly reccomend the readers to try it out!


  1. Hi Yuto,
    I enjoyed your lively and out-spoken presence in our seminar. You made good efforts to connect to your audience during your presentations as well.

    However, as I mentioned to you (and to the rest of the class) at the beginning of the semester, the bulk of your grade will be determined by the work that you put into your blog because that should show your steady (ideally, weekly) work throughout the term.

    So far, your blog contains only one posting and even that posting is grossly insufficient in that you do not show that you learned anything from either the print or visual restaurant reviews that we analysed and presented on in December. Even though I showed you (and gave you a link to) an excellent example review written by a student in a previous class, you didn't seem to learn from that either.

    Unless I see a dramatic improvement in your blog--meaning that you do all--or most--of the missing homework assignments that were given over the previous 15 weeks, then I'm afraid that your grade is in danger.

    To review the weekly assignments, refer to the following PDF:

    Yours truly,
    Joseph Dias

  2. Also, the video you made is bizarre in that although it is _technically_ a video, it's actually just a screen capture of a PPT, suggesting that the "review" that you did was a last minute attempt to do the bare minimum. I think you're capable of better.

  3. A few more things...
    Your blog still doesn't have some of the minimum required features:
    * a counter
    * links to all of the blogs of your classmates
    * a personal profile
    * a "news roll" showing food-related news based on key words that you select
    * a description of your blog
